The Best Window Shield Security Film Glass Protection

What provides better security than grills on windows? Window shield security film glass protection. This technology of protective shielding protects against the attack of active shooters, burglaries, and bomb threats. 

Active shooting and burglary continue to be a severe threat to our society. In the U.S., statistics prove that every 15 seconds, a burglary occurs. 70% of these burglaries are home related. Keeping you and your loved ones safe is a priority. 

With the increase in violent crimes, installing window film protection is the best option for you and your family. 

The Best Window Security Film

The best window security film protectors have wide and thick quality materials. They should be able to offer bullet, bat, hammer, explosive resistance. 

Windows protected with TSS glass security will save your life and keep you safe in the event of an attack. The TSS glass security feature keeps the glass from shattering or falling to the floor. The protective window film makes breaking and entering impossible.

Who will benefit from using Window Security Film?

Window security film protection will provide exceptional safety in the following settings:


  • Residential
  • Churches
  • Schools
  • Casinos 
  • Buildings 
  • Retail

Make Safety a Priority

It is typical that people wait until something tragic happens before considering appropriate protection. However, we recommend taking a proactive approach to the safety of your property, guests, employees and loved ones.

 Security cameras and glass sensors are great, but they are incapable of stopping the attack of a burglar or active shooter like the window film protection. 

Window Film Protection not only prevents the shooter or burglar from entering but gives you enough time to protect yourself while you wait for the police to arrive on location.

Interested in getting the best window protective shield for your property? Contact Triad Security Solutions Today.